Carry another’s burden, this is how we love our neighbor.

Feeding Our Friends

Since June of 2018 we have been loving on those less fortunate in Kagoshima. Every Wednesday we prepare food for mostly men that have battled addiction, suffered from a mental or emotional illness, or released from prison struggling to make ends meet. To date we have served over 1,000 meals.

We have also witnessed lives restored and lives transformed as some have come to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!

This man accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He shared his story with us. He is former yakuza and spent time in and out of jail.

Community English House

English is a great tool to connect with children and adults alike. We launched Community English House in January 2019 as a way to share the love of Jesus to children and their families in our community. This opened the door to our first Kids Camp where 13 children heard about Jesus for the very first time and our first Christmas Celebration where a approximately 50 people attended.

Go Local

By serving and loving those in our community, our Japanese friends get to see followers of Christ in action, loving and serving others. This year (2020), we helped a family move to their new home and entertained their kids at our home. Check out the video:

Natural Disaster Relief

Earthquakes, typhoons and rainy season cause devastation throughout Japan each year. In 2019 we responded to Typhoon 19 (aka Hagibis) that devastated many areas just outside of Tokyo by sending towels and putting boots on the ground once we got the all clear.

In 2020 our region of Kyushu experienced record rainfall that hasn’t been seen in over 100 years setting off flooding and mudslides. Again, we responded by sending towels and purchased equipment to muck houses. Due to Corona Virus and the guidelines in place, we have not been able to offer relief as we would like.